About Us

If you are browsing through the about page of a wrestling blog, chances are that you love wrestling. And there’s a very good chance you LOVE wrestling. You love the pageantry, the promos, the chance to live vicariously through a babyface putting the arrogant heel in their place, and the feats of athleticism that become immortalized.

But there’s also a chance you’ve wondered if wrestling will ever love you back. As much as we love wrestling, we don’t love everything about it. We cannot accept everything about it. The abusers, the racism, misogyny, the lack of accountability from wrestling promotions, and even the way promotions treat their employees (oh, sorry, “independent contractors”) and fans. All of it becomes overwhelming, and it stands in the way of our enjoyment of something we often gravitate to as an escape from dealing with these issues in our own lives.

Unfortunately, there is no escape. Fortunately, we are here to address these issues head-on, in a way that is productive, and in a manner that acknowledges we don’t all experience these harms equally.

Patches Chance, our wonderful writers, and myself spent years together at Daily DDT from 2017-2021. It is a site that remains important to us. You can expect the same kind of coverage here. But maybe more relaxed, less news-y, and more focused on the indies with the freedom we have here. We won’t take wrestling or ourselves too seriously when it comes to what happens on the shows. Sure, we’ll make fun of the bad (often it’s not even bad, just ridiculous) stuff, but we’ll enjoy the good. We’re just here to make sure you all have a good time with us, because, let’s face it, wrestling is more fun with more people to enjoy it with.

Make no mistake, though, we will take the issues of abuse and discrimination in wrestling seriously. We will use our pen to stand up for what is right and be mindful of how we can use our writing to help, rather than to be a part of a performance. Many of us on this site have felt conflicted about being wrestling fans or felt unwanted by the fandom because of how they treated us for who we are. So for us, it’s also personal. And we don’t hide that.

We want everyone to get a chance to feel represented in wrestling, to feel a part of the wrestling community, and to love this unique sport and art form unequivocally without having to feel like that love is not reciprocated.

Most of all, we will do things differently. We will tell stories and do our best to offer a little something for everyone. At our own pace. With our unique skills. And most of all, with a love for wrestling and a love for you. The reader who keeps us going. The reader is the reason why we made this site in the first place. Thank you, sincerely, for taking the time to read this about page, and a special thank you if you are willing to join us in our mission to make wrestling a safer and more enjoyable space for everyone.

 – Joe Soriano